Dinners & Mains


The good old Scone! There’s a reason why these are a spoken treasure and it's because when made correctly they are a delight that is achievable by anyone. 

We should all make it a Saturday thing, after breakfast, make a batch, get the kids involved, or just make them because you can. Buy some housemade jam from the local Gateway shop and make yourself a cuppa and you are set. 

Now, there are so many recipes out there and everyone has their opinion on what works, what's the best and a story along with it. This is No. #732 of the reasons why I love food. Find your rhythm and what works for you in your kitchen. 

My go-to recipe is the following:
  • 2 cups of S/R flour,100gm Butter, salt, ¼ cup sugar, 1/2 cup of milk

  • Mix the butter in with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs, then add the rest of the ingredients.

  • Bring together and form a dough... Right, now, the trick is, DO NOT OVER WORK YOUR DOUGH, be gentle, give it a little love, once it comes together, blow it a kiss, pat it down, and cut it into desired portions. I use a spatular to cut rather than the scone cutters, but the kiddies love the scone cutters.

  • Brush slightly with milk and bake in a moderate oven for roughly 20 minutes, until slightly brown on top.

  • Take out from the oven, let cool slightly and then serve with a cuppa and some jam and cream. Delicious.

How many different types of recipes have you tried?
Which way? Jam then cream or cream then jam?!

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