Cooking Videos

Potato Cakes with J P McMahon

Potato cakes are usually made with leftover mashed potato. Though there are plenty of variations and many regional recipes, they are always made up of potatoes, flour, butter and egg.

Recipe source from JP from his cook book


Potato cakes are usually made with leftover mashed potato. Though there are plenty of variations and many regional recipes, they are always made up of potatoes, flour, butter and egg. Many recipes include spring onions (scallions) and nutmeg, but these can be left out. In some recipes, spices or herbs such as parsley or caraway seeds are added. Potato cakes were often served at breakfast time instead of bread. This is not surprising considering the difficulty with growing wheat in Ireland. Potato bread, as potato cakes were often called, served as a substitute. As well as going well with The Full Irish breakfast they also pair well with smoked fish such as mackerel, eel and salmon, along with sour cream.

Preparation:   10 minutes
Cooking:   about 10 minutes per batch
Makes:   10–12 cakes

  • 450 g/1 lb (4 medium) potatoes, cooked and mashed
  • 75 g/2¾ oz (scant ²⁄³ cup) self-raising flour (all-purpose flour mixed with ½ teaspoon baking powder), sifted, plus extra for dusting (optional)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 25 g/1 oz (1¾ tablespoons) butter, melted
  • Rapeseed (canola) oil, for frying
  • Sea salt

In a large mixing bowl, combine the potatoes, flour and a pinch of sea salt. Add enough of the egg and butter to form a firm dough.

Shape into 10–12 potato cakes either with your hands or by rolling the mixture out with a little additional flour.

Warm some oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over a medium–low heat and fry the cakes, in batches if necessary, for about 5 minutes until nicely browned, then turn over and fry the other side for a further 5 minutes until nicely browned.
Note Regional variations of potato cakes include bacon, oats and apples. Add seaweed to the cakes to give them a nice coastal flavour. I like to add dried milled dillisk (dulse) to mine.

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